Wednesday, October 21, 2009

At langsdale libary on the computer just found two books that apppear to be ideal for my topic. Im now encourage was getting a little nervous for a minute. However there is a catch Langsdale doesnt have them. No big deal just a nice evening ride to UMBC, might be interesting never been there before. By the way just finish, " gutting" word from Dr. Singer, Sparrows Point:Making Steel- The Rise and Ruin of American Industrial Might. Really gave me an overall perspective but didnt touch directly on my topic.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

This project is becoming a little difficult. There is not as much information directly related to my topic. To offset these short coming I will have to rely on interviews with some of the people who work there. So I'm arranging to have some over the phone as well as in person interviews today and throught the weekend.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Good evening fellow students and professor. I have spent a great portion of Thursday researching the beginning stages of Sparrows Point. The Langsdale library prove inadequate for this specific task. However, today I am at the Maryland room, they have all sorts of information just not that organized. I plan to nail down a few key points then began the beginning stage of my paper.

Monday, October 12, 2009

The purpose of my blog will be to show the development of Bethlehem Steel. To first provide some back ground information on the land which it was built. Secondly to show why it was built there in the first place opposed too many other locations. The balk of this project will cover the “hay day” of the company. This will involve working conditions, discrimination, and the impact it had on Baltimore.
In closing I will try to some up some of the main reasons for the company’s demise. The goal is to give a broad depiction of the evolution and ultimate collapse of a one time very prominent business. This will allow for me to incorporate some of the affects the company had on the city and people of Baltimore. Thorough research coupled with first hand interviews will provide an entertaining yet educational blog.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Bethlehem Steel

This is just a test to make sure everything is functioning properly